Saturday, April 17, 2010

Found one of these guys on the carport yesterday morning. They really scare me and believe me I found the bugs spray in no time flat ... he's now history. They have a very nasty bite which is toxic. Here is a write up from the internet:

Giant Centipedes

Giant centipedes are found all over Thailand, in urban areas as well as forests and can grow to the size of a man's forearm. Like a lot of insects in the tropics, if it rains heavily, giant centipedes like to come indoors to avoid drowning. A shoe or bag can provide a handy place for the creatures to hide and if they are surprised and can't escape they will bite.

Their bite does not kill but for three or four days the victim will be in serious pain- even a shot of morphine from the local hospital will only take the edge off.

The bite marks are similar to those of a small snake and centipede bites can be mistaken for snake bites in the dark. The victim requires anti-tetanus, painkillers and rest. In the case of allergic reaction, breathing support may be necessary,

They are plenty big enough to notice in the day but for your own safety never walk around without shoes in the dark, even indoors!

I now sleep with a flashlight nearby and something to put on my feet in case I have to get up in the middle of the night. Just the though, that a shot of morphine only takes the edge of the pain, is enough to make me extra cautious. Besides, they just plain give me the willies. Snakes I can deal with but certain bugs and spiders are not to be trusted.

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