This is the Golden Tree Snake and they are found in many parts of Southeast Asia but are very common in the Krabi area. This morning Dusty notice that one had spent the night between the window screen and the window wrapped around one of the frame supports. They are great climbers and can actually flatten themselves out and "fly" sort of like flying squirrels do. When we opened the window (from the outside!) to release him back into his more natural habitat, we got to see him fly. Indeed, instead of just dropping down to the ground, he flung himself (or herself?) out at a 45 degree angle and sailed out onto the lawn where he took off for the bushes. They are mildly poisonous but mostly to things they catch. Their fangs are in the back of their month and angled back so it would be hard for one to bite you unless you stuck your finger down its throat! Since he was sort of trapped between the screen and window and no threat to us, we had a good time observing and looking him up on the internet to figure out what he was before sending him on his way.
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