These are a couple pictures of our "spirit house" where the
phra phum lives. Most houses or compounds have one and its part of Thai tradition. The
phra phum (spirit of the land) is a good spirit that takes care of the land or area. Inside the little house is a figure carved from wood or clay of the
phra phum and if he grants a wish he gets gifts like elphants or slaves represented by similar figures. You may be able to see a few near the door. The little cups or dishes are for placing offerings or burning incenses. These aren't part of the Buddhist or Islam religions here in Thailand . They are just part of the culture but with some religious origin I'm sure. I'd guess its Hindu related, but that would just be a guess.
The location of the house is very important and an astrologer is consulted as to its placement. Ours it between our houses and next to the fish ponds. I think they are really neat and some are quite elaborate in size and gifts. From what I've seen, our is about average I guess.

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